Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bay State Parents

This illustration will be seen in next month's issue of Bay State Parents with the feature article "Playdates and Birthday Parties for the Special Needs Child." The article focused on autism, which I tried to illustrate in this image.
Done completely in Photoshop CS4 from sketch to finish.

Type Portrait- David Tennant

I quite like this one! Once again for my Type and Image class, we were to create a portrait solely out of type. For those of you who are not Doctor Who fans, this is the 10th Doctor played by David Tennant. He is a role model both in his acting and his personality. A truly talented actor, though. I aspire to be such!

Illustrated Letterforms

For my Type and Image for the Illustrator class. I was inspired by the font Zapfino and how it reminded me of the many vines of Provence. I was also inspired by illuminated manuscripts, so I created my own "font" with the decorated box seen in the manuscripts but filled with vines and leaves.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Colonel Windpipe

This is an exciting event happening on Flickr! Anyone and everyone can join and illustrate a marching band character for an enormous compilation of marching band characters!

Everyone should join!

Metro Spirit

This sketch was almost chosen to be in the Metro Spirit magazine, but alas it was not. Hence it is still a sketch. I like it despite it not being chosen. The "theme" for this edition of the magazine is Vegas-style.